20 Min Dance + Sculpt 1 | LIVFIT
Class Description: This 20-minute low-impact dance cardio and standing sculpt workout will leave you filled with energy but sore the next day! After a quick warmup, class will be broken up into two parts: dance cardio (jump rope, boxing punches, jumping jacks, heel taps with party arms) and standing sculpt (curtsy squats, side leg lifts, isometric arms). This workout is also prenatal friendly.
Optional Equipment: Sneakers | Light Weights | Ankle Weights
Music Playlist: https://soundcloud.com/olivia-greig-570144174/orro-april-24-20-min-core
Meet the Instructor: Olivia Greig is the creator and founder of LIVFIT, a fun, easy to follow, high-energy workout rooted in the joy of movement and tapping into your inner free spirit. Take more of Olivia's classes on ORRO here: https://watch.orroapp.com/olivia-greig