30 Min Arms 1 | Sonia Hare
Class Description: Today is an upper body strength class, all about the basics! Class will be broken up into three rounds and we're going to conquer some basic fundamental upper body moves, which are some of the most effective moves we can do with the upper body. We're going to be starting in plank and moving into back with rows, bicep curl variations, shoulder press work, and lastly a tricep exercise.
Optional Equipment: Heavy Weights | Bench or Chair
Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6KuU2a8TXgxHWfYbB6lxrD?si=_sC0_dm7TAaxiOI3VbscJA&pi=u-VLwtf0OWQfy8
Meet the Instructor: Sonia Hare is the creator of The Sonia Series, a program that will tone, lift, and tighten the body, improve mobility and flexibility, increase the mind-body connection, and improve breath awareness. Sonia is a certified, working personal trainer with the experience, results, and credentials to help you reach your goals. Take more of Sonia's classes on ORRO here: https://watch.orroapp.com/sonia-hare