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20 Min Arms 1 | Mackenzie Perras

20 Minute • 20m

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  • 20 Min Sculpt 1 | Alessia Sculpt

    Class Description: This quickie sculpt class is the perfect class for when you're in a hurry or on-the-go! Start off on all fours with a plank and bird dog, followed by a sidelying series, clamshells, pulsing lunges, standing arms, and ending with abs.

    Optional Equipment: Resistance Band.


  • 25 Min Barre 1 | Britts Barre

    Class Description: This full body barre class is designed to develop endurance-based, lean muscle through low impact, high-rep movements, in under 30 minutes. If you are looking for the ultimate, time-efficient workout to define your muscles, build core strength and develop better posture, this i...

  • 20 Min Barre 1 | Rhythmic Pilates

    Class Description: This 20 minute barre flow class is perfect for the days you just need to move! Class will be standing on the bar the entire time, with a focus on the lower body! Think standing kickbacks, lunges, curtsy squats, and more.

    Optional Equipment: Bar/Chair

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