30 Min Arms + Abs 2 | District Fitness
Class Description: 30 minute arms and abs class, with two cardio bursts. After a quick full body warmup, we'll start with an arm and curtsy lunge combo, an arms and abs combo, standing arms with cardio, bird dogs with a hand weight, and ending with a cardio dance party.
Optional Equipment: Light Weights | Pilates Ball
Meet the Instructor: District Fitness, founded by Aly and Meg, is a Canadian virtual fitness platform that combines weighted strength and challenging cardio to offer unique virtual HIIT classes for individuals of all fitness levels. Aly and Meg are former Barre Belle instructors who wanted to provide clients with a wide variety of workout types and lengths (high and low impact) with fun, creative movement to great playlists.
Up Next in Barre
10 Min Arms 1 | Erin Stewart
Class Description: Grab your light weights for a 10 minute athletic barre, arm workout. This will be a quick sizzle: we'll get in, get moving, lengthen, and move on with the rest of our day.
Optional Equipment: Light Weights
Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2XO4vUD8GhjqhCVfm...
25 Min Barre 1 | Rebecca Voelpel
Class Description: A spicy 25 minute total body barre workout with Rebecca Voelpel. After a quick warmup, we'll do single arm tricep side pushups, into a side plank + inner thigh combo, chest press + overhead reach combo, kneeling wide rows + wide raises, standing arms, and finishing with abs.
30 Min Upper Body Barre 1 | Jess Cadou
Class Description: Grab your light weights and get ready for an upper body and abs class with Jess Cadou!
Optional Equipment: Light Weights | Bar or Chair
Meet the Instructor: Jess Cadou (@jesscasually) is a passionate Australian barre and pilates instructor with a chronic case of the travel b...