25 Min Sculpt 2 | Kelly Ann
New Instructors
Class Description: A quick, 25 minute sculpt class with a focus on the booty. We'll start with some bear planks, donkey kicks, and fire hydrants, followed by bicycle crunches, single leg glute bridges, and more.
Optional Equipment: Ankle Weights
Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5vRjzGnPgIcIb9Gns0D3xk?si=_Z90Y4rfQjmbE39k8urJ9A&pt=a28d2ab1677c53add4c6e924d5eabd48
Meet the Instructor: Kelly Ann Barton, founder of Core4, is a fitness specialist, certified pilates trainer + former professional dancer. Kelly Ann has cultivated a dynamic low impact workout that targets your 4 core areas - arms, abs, legs and glutes. Kelly is also a Nike instructor. Take more of Kelly Ann's classes on ORRO here: https://watch.orroapp.com/kelly-ann-barton