10 Min Standing Series 1 | Kira Jones
8m 51s
Class Description: Join Elizabeth, Grace Freyre, and Kira Jones for a 10 minute standing series. We'll be doing squats, standing legs, and strengthening the core through balance. Ankle weights are optional.
Optional Equipment: Ankle Weights
Meet the Instructor: Kira Jones is the founder of Cacti Wellness Collective, an online wellness and productivity platform that empowers ambitious women to improve their mind, body, and focus. All is under 20-minutes so you can efficiently and effectively reach your work & self care goals. Take more of Kira's classes on ORRO here: https://watch.orroapp.com/kira-jones
Up Next in Sculpt
25 Min Sculpt 1 | Julia Giordano
Class Description: Welcome to a quick and effective 25 minute sculpt class. Followed by a two minute warm up, we'll be going through a full body workout that will be repeated twice throughout. The workout will start with lower abs + bicycle crunches, a glute bridge + chest press combo, side lyin...
20 Min Sculpt 1 | Michelle Parente
Class Description: Welcome to a 20 minute gentle sculpt flow. We'll be on our mat for the full class, consisting of a yoga warmup, bear plank, a booty combo + side lying combo, and ending with abs.
Optional Equipment: Ankle Weights
Spotify Playlist: https://spotify.link/SZxItjtnuDb
Meet the I...
35 Min Sculpt 1 | Sweat with Sav
Class Description: Get ready for a high-energy, beat-based sculpt workout focusing on building strength and endurance. After a 5 minute stretch, we'll warm up with bird dogs, bear planks, tricep push ups, squat walks, and inchworms. You can then expect a standing arm series (bicep curls, overhead...